Bayliss power tube life is not infinite. Over the years, the piston moving through the seals gradually wears the seal material away, allowing a gradual seepage of wax out of the tube. This in turn reduces the pressure within the tube and eventually the opening distance achieved will be affected. This is when you need to replace the power tube cylinder.
Bayliss MK7 power tubes are available with 2 different models. The only difference is the operational temperatures of the power tube. The Orchid Wax model allows you to keep the greenhouse warmer in cold weather while working well in hot weather also.
- Adjustable temperature range:
- Standard initial opening temperature range: 55° F to 70° F
- Orchid Wax initial opening temperature range: 70° F to 85° F - Can be used interchangeably in the same Bayliss opener
- Compatible with all Bayliss openers we offer
- Requires no electricity
- Made in the United Kingdom
Bayliss Powertube Replacement Video

Bayliss Power Tube Installation Instructions
Item # 8040110, 8040111