Deals & Coupons

ACF Greenhouses does not offer coupons or specials through 3rd party web sites. If you find a coupon other than the ones below on another web site, please report it to so that we can have it removed.

Specials, Deals, & Coupon Codes

  • Get $10 off any order over $500 (Limit once per customer). COUPON CODE: NC10500
  • Get $50 off any order over $2000 (Limit once per customer). COUPON CODE: GH50
  • 10% off all complete fan systems. NO COUPON NEEDED
  • Up to 25% off Superior greenhouse benches. NO COUPON NEEDED

FREE SHIPPING: We offer free shipping on all greenhouses and gas heaters as well as any other product that specifies free shipping above the item's price. These items will also have a free shipping banner in the product's picture. Free shipping also applies to supplies purchased with any greenhouse priced over $2000.
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Contact Us

ACF Greenhouses
380 Greenhouse Drive
Buffalo Junction, Virginia 24529
1-888-888-9050 toll free

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