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Cross Country Door Options

Item #: 2565105-D
Price: $195.00
    Availability: Factory Direct - Ships with greenhouse order.
    Inches to Lower Door (optional)
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    Cross Country Door Sizes

    • Standard door - 32" x 76" (34 5/8" rough opening)
    • Handicap accessible door - 36" x 80" (38 5/8" rough opening)
    • Double door - 54" x 76" (54 1/2" rough opening)
    • Single Storefront door - 36" x 84" (40" rough opening)
    • Double Storefront door - 72" x 84" (76" rough opening)

    Door Options

    The add-on door option includes adding an extra door to the end of the greenhouse opposite the original door.
    The upgrade door option replaces the original door with a different one of your choice.
    Custom door placement is also available. If you would like to have a door placed in a location other than centered in an end wall, please contact us for pricing.

    The Storefront doors are fully assembled professional aluminum doors with insulated tempered safety glass and durable keyed deadbolt lock, an excellent option if tough, insulated and storm proof construction is important to you.

    Any Cross Country door can be lowered on the greenhouse frame to make it flush with a raised foundation. There is no additional charge to lower the door.

    Cross Country Door Sizing Chart

    Door Size

    Greenhouse Model
    Greenhouse Width
    6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 20'

    36" x 80"
    Cape Cod N/A
    Cottage N/A
    Lean-to Curved Eave N/A 6" DD 1" DD
    Lean-to Straight Eave N/A 6" DD
    Pacific N/A 6" DD 4" DD 1" DD
    Traditional N/A 6" DD 1" DD

    54" x 76"
    Cape Cod N/A 15" DD
    Cottage N/A 16" DD 3" DD 3" DD
    Lean-to Curved Eave N/A 8" DD
    Lean-to Straight Eave N/A 6" DD
    Pacific N/A N/A 7" DD 11" DD
    Traditional N/A 16" DD 6" DD 10" DD

    36" x 84"
    Cape Cod N/A
    Cottage N/A 7" DD 3" DD
    Lean-to Curved Eave N/A 14" DD 9" DD 9" DD
    Lean-to Straight Eave N/A 14" DD 8" DD 8" DD
    Pacific N/A 16" DD 10" DD 9" DD
    Traditional N/A 14" DD 8" DD 8" DD 8" DD

    72" x 84"
    Cape Cod N/A 24" DD 30" DD 5" DD 5" DD
    Cottage N/A 24" DD 24" DD 12" DD 12" DD
    Lean-to Curved Eave N/A N/A 19" DD 19" DD 9" DD
    Lean-to Straight Eave N/A 25" DD 18" DD 19" DD 8" DD
    Pacific N/A N/A N/A 19" DD 7" DD 9" DD
    Traditional N/A 25" DD 25" DD 19" DD 19" DD 8" DD
    *N/A - Not available as an option.
    *DD - The door can be added but it must be lowered below the frame the amount of inches specified in the chart.
    For Arctic models, use the roof pitch you selected for that greenhouse.

    *Must be ordered with a Cross Country greenhouse.

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    ACF Greenhouses
    380 Greenhouse Drive
    Buffalo Junction, Virginia 24529
    1-888-888-9050 toll free

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